Yes! I'm in.

This free challenge is designed to help moms and caregivers get what they truly want this Mother’s Day, and beyond. You’ll receive four daily emails with insights, tools, prompts, and funny stories along the way. It’s a low-pressure offering that will deliver huge results, helping you live more of the life you desire.

Take Back Mother's Day

Join the challenge

This Mother’s Day, I want you to get exactly what YOU want and what YOU need. It seems so simple, but for many mothers, this is quite revolutionary! We get so used to taking care of other people’s needs, that our own needs can get totally lost.

Also, we’re just exhausted. I get it. I have no interest in adding more work or pressure to your plate! It’s with this in mind that I developed the Take Back Mother’s Day Challenge.

If you decide to join, you’ll receive four emails with insights, ideas, and prompts (plus some funny stories from my motherhood journey).

My goal is that this challenge feels LOW pressure but delivers HUGE results. In the final email, I’ll give you a simple tool to take with you that’s going to help you access more ease, joy, and fun - all in just three minutes per day!

Let’s ditch the pressure, amp up the fun, and start to live the life we want. It’s available to you, and you deserve it. I hope you join me.

Why I Created This CHallenge

Meet Vanessa