solo woman swimming and splashing water while traveling

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Something is shifting. More and more women are stepping into the freedom of solo travel. This isn’t about running away from responsibilities or chasing a perfect snapshot for social media. It’s about something deeper—reconnecting with yourself, rediscovering your independence, and stepping outside the patterns of daily life that can leave us feeling stuck. Recent studies […]

Why Women Are Choosing the Freedom of Solo Travel

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Sofia Estrella, a writer and Certified NUSHU Group Facilitator, shares her transformative experience at the 2024 NUSHU Surf Retreat in the second part of her four-part guest blog series.   The plan was to boogie board. As a teacher with chronic pain, I learned to manage fear with meticulous scaffolding. When my doctor cleared me […]

Surf Retreat Guest Blog: How Do You Get through Fear?

Sofia Estrella, standing in the ocean with a determined expression, prepares to get on her surfboard, ready to overcome her fear and embrace the challenge at the 2024 NUSHU Surf Retreat.
Woman holding surf board on NUSHU Retreat

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Certified NUSHU Group Facilitator and Founder of Well Refined, Courtney Evans, joined the NUSHU Surf Retreat in February 2023. What follows is her beautiful retelling of the time spent on retreat: “I spent last week in Santa Teresa, Costa Rica on a women’s surf retreat with NUSHU, a wellness collective I facilitate sharing circles for. I […]

Courtney’s Experience on the NUSHU Surf Retreat